Grom hellscream warcraft 3
Grom hellscream warcraft 3

grom hellscream warcraft 3

Of the Highborne, only Queen Azshara proved superior. His magical knowledge and power exceeded even the most gifted night elf sorcerers, including Xavius and Illidan. In addition to his martial prowess, Mannoroth was a powerful spellcaster.

grom hellscream warcraft 3

He is known as "the Destructor" and "the Flayer". His ruthlessness and vile cunning made him into one of the favored lieutenants of his masters, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, the champions of the Burning Legion. Mannoroth helped lead the Burning Legion in assaults on countless worlds, and led the first invasion of Azeroth. When Archimonde was placed in command of the pit lords, he recognized Mannoroth's value as a brutal, bloodthirsty fighter and made the pit lord his second-in-command. Mannoroth was the barbaric leader of the pit lords when Kil'jaeden recruited them. I alone empowered you to bring chaos to this world, and by the endless void, you shall!”

Grom hellscream warcraft 3